Spiritual Naturopath

Helping you feel lighter and brighter, calmer and wiser!

Moody Blues


Moody Blues is a murky blue aura colour, one that often reminds me of a sky discoloured by a haze of smoke. This is one of those aura colours I find unpleasant or disturbing to look at (on the page it can seem quite lovely but on a three-dimensional auric level, this is a churning, dirty colour that can make the viewer feel quite unsettled).


Generally, when I find this colour in a person’s aura, I consider it a marker to promopt me to advise the client to seek medical/therapuetic assistance. Most of these people will find that their moods will stabilise with some assistance from a natural therapist or doctor.



Moody Blues is one of the teenage colours. Like Firedancer Red and Rebellion Brown, it’s presence in the aura can indicate close proximity with teenagers. For example, the person wearing this colour might literally BE a teenager, or they might be the parent of a teenager. The auric colours of those we spend time with can quite literally ‘rub off on us’.

As opposed to the natural rebellious feelings and behaviours teenagers explore in order to cut apron strings and develop an individualised sense of self (represented by Firedancer Red and Rebellion Brown), Moody Blues reflects the hormonal storms of change we can be prone to during our teenage years.



These hormonal storms don’t always stop after the teenage years. For women prone to PMT, they can continue throughout life. Moody Blues can be experienced as a wild, unpredictable attack of irrational and intense emotion. How can we explain how we feel to others when we don’t even understand it ourselves. One minute we are laughing, the next we are crying and then a shadow flickers across our faces and we are in a rage over some triffling matter.

Again, the colour can be worn by the sufferer, but it can also appear in the aura of those close to the sufferer. Hormonal imbalances like these may need to be addressed medically or with natural therapies such as herbs and acupuncture, for example. Certainly, B vitamins and magnesium may bring some relief. A herbalist in these situations might tailor-make a blend using herbs that rebalance the hormones, calm and tone the nervous system, cleanse the lymphatic system etc.



Moody Blues can also make an appearance in menopause, making previously rational and capable women feel very much not themselves. Again, herbal medicine has a lot to offer, as to other complementary therapies, without some of the problems that might be associated with artificial hormone replacement therapy.



While Moody Blues can reflect endocrine imbalances in general (eg pancreas, adrenals), this colour will most often indicate a possible thyroid imbalance. It’s worth noting here that emotional imbalances can be caused by endocrine problems, but as with all mind-body connections, the cause-effect dynamic can be reversed: tempestuous emotions can destabilise the endocrine system. This is probably easier for people to comprehend when considering the adrenals because we so readily link stress with adrenal over-stimulation and eventual exhaustion, but the same is true of all the glands in the body; strong habitual emotions can take their toll.



Strong emotions can drain our bodies of certain nutrients, which then need to be restored in order to support greater emotional equilibrium. Some emotional imbalances can be caused by deficiencies, and some hormonal/endocrine problems are intertwined with nutrient deficiencies.


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