Spiritual Naturopath

Helping you feel lighter and brighter, calmer and wiser!

Possibilities and synchronicity….

fullsizerenderAnother thoroughly enjoyable work week is wrapping up. In a way, it all started on Monday, the public holiday, with a scrumptious Skype catch up with my Aunty Kay. Kay and I are both passionate about learning, growing and creating tools that help others, and we spent some of our conversation finding ways to help each other take another step deeper into our passion. Kay has an amazing card set she made called the ‘Playground of Possibilities’ which she used to help me, and I used my Aura Cards to help her. Funnily enough, our questions were essentially about how to take our card sets to the next level. PoPcards 006e

The card Kay pulled for me from her deck was “What would be possible for me if I did it, even if I felt afraid?” which I thought was hilariously apt, given I’d just the week prior running a couple of workshops on “Finding Courage” and was busily recording courage-based meditation resources for my students and clients. The Universe always arranges for us to be in the right place at the right time, huh? Here is a link to a blog that shows you how Courage and Synchronicity appear to me visually when I am reading the aura (keeping in mind the colours for me are multi-dimensional, with movement, layers, sparkle, etc… and that’s just on the visual level!).

This question was really helpful for me because it helped me to realise that my feeling of overwhelm in regards to the smorgasbord of creative projects I have in front of me was a form of fear. I was afraid I didn’t know where to start, afraid that I was going to drown, somehow, in all the noise and chaos of possibilities and end up treading water without swimming towards any definable outcome. Talking with Kay I made a few decisions. First was that I needed to create some vision-boards; I needed to map out the various projects in a visual way so I could see them clearly and see the steps that needed to be taken. My original question had been ‘where do I start?’ and the answer that came to me was that I just need to have all the projects laid out in front of me with their sequential steps mapped out so I can float between them. I’m always at my best when I allow my inner child to take the lead, and she LOVES floating between projects. As soon as I get bored or tired, I change gears and it keeps me fresh and inspired.

I had plenty of clients and personal business to take care of on Tuesday and Wednesday so I didn’t get a chance to do my mapping until yesterday and oh my goddess did I have fun doing it! I went through some recent diaries I had handy and pulled out all the pages that were covered in creative-ideas brainstorming, and I collected all the loose leaf pages covered in the same that were floating about, and proceeded to wrestle them into line. The night before, during one of the many soul-quenching conversations I can never seem to get enough of with my husband of 27 years, we realised that an older vision we’d had for the colour books would fit perfectly with some of my more recent ideas. Light-bulbs were exploding in my mind. My husband, bless him, quickly grabbed paper and pen and waited patiently while it all poured out of me.

It’s hard to describe, but I suddenly realised I’d been thinking about it all wrong. It felt like my brain was now looking at the puzzle from a horizontal, rather than a vertical perspective. Instead of columns of separate projects, I was now seeing the interconnected links between them… I was seeing rows that connected the columns together. So now I have the beginnings of a master plan!

Aside from creative-project planning, my week with clients has been a particularly rewarding one. It makes me so happy when I see a client for their one-month follow up and they tell me their anxiety evaporated after our last session. It’s also lovely to see clients I haven’t seen for a few years, seamlessly picking up where we left off, as though no time has passed. I’ve seen quite a few children and teenagers this week, and it has struck me again, how important personal space is for our young ones. They are often overloaded with stimuli from school and then again at home with noisy siblings and shared bedrooms. No wonder they have trouble winding down, finding stillness and sleeping. A lack of personal space is particularly stressful for introverts. As an introvert myself, I very much understand this need for privacy and time out.

Aura SketchI really enjoyed doing an aura sketch on site for a client. Two things about the sketching amaze me. First is that I get to the end of my 60-90 minute long speech and ask “Are there any questions you might have had that the sketch didn’t answer for you?” 98% of people say no! How incredible is that?! The second thing that amazes me is that even though I bumped the on-site price up to $190.00, and am offering a Skype version for $150 and an emailed version for $120, most clients are still opting for the on site version. It wasn’t until I had my back injury and was taken out of action for a while that I realised just how much energy it requires to do my thing, as a psychic. And of all the services I offer, the aura sketching is the most energy intensive. It took a long time before I was able to offer this service again and this has helped me see that I was undercharging. For similar reasons, I’ve bumped the Spirit Guide Sketch up to $200 and can only do one of these per month. Have you seen the spirit guide sketches? Here’s one of my favourites:

2015-04-06 10.55.50

I have some clients who have recently begun working with me weekly, because they are going through difficult times and really need the support, or they are highly committed to their personal growth. I’m seriously considering putting a cap on how many people I do this with at any one time, because there’s only so many spaces I have available every week. The booking load is in a nice space at the moment: only about two weeks in advance. I’m working on setting up some booking-rules so that Skype and distant clients are given priority, because I’m still very determined to get a significant portion of my business on-line.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy husband and I have just become the proud owners of a beautiful 100 acres of land in a little place in northern NSW called Nymboida, and we are hoping to transition into a lifestyle where we come and go every six months, between Darwin and Nymboida. My local Darwin clients who get their heads around the value of distant work will still be able to work with me while I’m away, and I’m putting some hard yakka into streamlining some efficient on-line products and services to make this even easier.

Anyway, I think that’s enough yabbering from me for one week! I’ll write with another update soon.



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