Spiritual Naturopath

Helping you feel lighter and brighter, calmer and wiser!

Exciting new ventures


IMG_0560Healer, Reiki Master, Aura Card reader, and Spirit Channel for the written word

This has been a beautiful week, especially in terms of seeing the dreams of others coming to fruition around me. It started with my daughter Mikiah sending me a short Aura Card reading at the beginning of the week, and as usual, I was blown away by her capacity to channel the wisdom of Spirit, so succinctly, and accurately. I’ve often wished others could do for me what I do for them, and it’s particularly heart-warming to have this nurturing come from my own daughter. She has a knack for getting straight to the point, in a loving way, with a core message that is very easy to remember!

A few days after giving me the Aura Card reading, Mikiah melted me into puddles of bliss during a private conversation, where (not for the first time), she showered me with very authentic gratitude messages. It’s a beautiful feeling to be validated, celebrated, and reflected back in such positive ways by someone you love and admire. Have you told anyone what you appreciate and value about them recently?

Here is a poem Mikiah just wrote, about gratitude:

“Gratitude –
A blissful consideration of abundance, for all that we have.
A focus on what is there, rather than what is missing.
A positive outlook –
One that beckons me into the light, saying:
“See all that you have
See all that you are
See the beauty in all –
See as the child does
In appreciation,
In wonder
See that the World speaks,
Hear it Sing
Feel how still the moment is,
How at Peace nature is.
Understand how the mind complicates the simple –
How many stories are written, unwritten and written again
Either the same as the Past, or different.
Can you Be?
If you See,
If you Feel,
If you Listen,
If you Breathe and Taste
With caution not to waste these moments, and the silence in between
Then, you know.
And know you do – because you are.
In the present, we allow.
In the now, we surrender:
Narratives. Stories of the past. Predictions of the future. Concern for outcome. Worry about what was, is or will be.
Active participation requires presence
It is a step away from thought”

I am enjoying watching my daughter step into her role as a healer for others. She is a joy to mentor, and as my husband Stephen, Mikiah’s father, says, “She is a gifted natural”. Mikiah became a Reiki Master with me last year and has begun teaching others, with her spirit guides doing a brilliant job of shaping her unique approach to healing. Mikiah is currently living in Brisbane, and is available for one-one-one healing consults and Aura Card readings. She also works via distance. If you would love to read more of her spirit-channelled writing, or find out more about her work, check out her facebook business page: MIKIAH


Musician, teacher, “Miss Scribble” game-creator, Aura Card reader, and dynamic word-smith

The excitement of others can be soooo beautiful, and sooo infectious! I’ve loved watching the determined dedication my sister Tashka has brought to her latest project, one that has been brewing now for many years. My favourite part of this journey so far is the private video I woke up to yesterday. It totally made my day to see her bouncing up and down like a little kid. Like myself and our brother Kim, Tashka has a fierce work-ethic and there’s nothing more satisfying than having it pay off after so much hard work. Tashka got her first subscriber for her MUSICAL ME project; the first, am I sure, of many to come.

Tash is an incredible, passionate and motivated teacher who inspires others with her enthusiasm and her unique perspectives. She has an ability to think outside the square and come up with very clever, creative solutions that propel us forwards into realising our dreams.  MUSICAL ME is a dynamic example of her ability to make learning bucket-loads of fun, whilst making sure it’s in alignment with your core values and is being incorporated into your day to day life in a grounded manner. Check out this amazing program if you would love to take your interest in music a little further, but you’re not quite sure how, or you are a music teacher and you would like some dynamic tools to help your students go from strength to strength. This is the prototype, before the official shiny version goes live next year, so in effect, getting involved at this stage of development means you will be helping to create the final product. And as a thank you for your support, you will be given a very special offer next year when the global roll out occurs!


Reiki healer, Huna Masseur, Rune Card and Book developer, and Aura Card reader

Tristan worked with me as a psychic healing student for many years before becoming one of my first Reiki 1 students last year. During the attunement process, I was astonished when one his Reiki guides stepped in and insisted I include a series of rune symbols during the initiation process. It seemed an entire new branch of Reiki was unfolding in front of me, with Tristan being chosen as the channel for this unique modality.

Tristan has been hard at work creating a set of Rune Cards and a book to go with them, and it’s been fantastic watching meditative creativity blend with methodical step-by-step development. Tristan’s prototype deck features a circular splash of colour inspired by the Aura Cards, with the rune symbols over the top of this. Runes are an ancient alphabet- a series of symbols that have been used in divination, magic and healing for many centuries. They were a first love of mine on my healing journey, so I feel rather honoured to have been used as a channel for heightening Tristan’s spiritual connection with this ancient tradition.

Tristan is at prototype stage, and needs some support! If you would love a Rune Reading, or an entire handmade deck, check out his KICKSTARTER campaign. I still have the rune reading that Tristan did for me during a difficult time in my life. The wisdom he channelled through was beautiful, and spoke to my soul. Tristan is gentle and wise and his rune creation will deeply honour the lineage he has been initiated into by his Reiki and Rune guides.


Healer, marketing consultant, copywriter and editor, improvisation performer and trainer, and creator of The Playground of Possibilities

My day yesterday started with my sister’s bubbling excitement and ended with my Aunty Kay’s wonderful news about her Playground of Possibility cards having arrived from the printers. Some of you attended the workshop Kay ran here in Darwin and might remember the cards. They ask the question “What might be possible for me if….” and each one ends differently. I love these cards! Kay and I sometimes do Skype sessions where I’ll pull a colour card or a flower card for her and she will pull a Playground card for me. The questions always get me thinking deeply about my life, and realising how my beliefs and not-so-helpful storytelling about myself and life might be interfering with my happiness!

This is a profound tool and I’m so excited that Kay is sending me my very own deck for the clinic. I’m hoping I can stock these but you can also contact Kay directly if you would like to get your own deck. Go to NEXTCHAPTER. Kay says: “Even though my crowdfunding campaign is finished, you can still order and pay for a deck there. For one deck, choose the “Transform” reward (or check the other rewards for 3, 5 or 10 decks, or 1 deck plus a Skype call with me).”

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