Spiritual Naturopath

Helping you feel lighter and brighter, calmer and wiser!

Spirit Consults

Omanisa’s Spirit Consults blend the mythical with the mystical to assist you with your personal growth and development. These Spiritual Coaching sessions are delivered via visionary art and theatrical story-telling and character portrayal. Deep insights into yourself, relationships and your life are provided through the telling of stories that are rich with metaphors, just like dreams. In essence, Om will “dream” for you while she’s awake, recounting her visions while also helping you interpret them.

“Wow! This healing blew me away!”

This consult draws on First Nations (shamanic) healing wisdom. Come on a healing journey into your inner world, to connect with the spirit-medicine of Nature. Learn how to use relaxation meditation and mindfulness skills in a highly creative way, in the imaginal realm, via creative visualisation (which isn’t just about “seeing”)….

“I love the way the guides talk to you Om…”

Receive an inspiring reading full of vibrant characters and story-telling, rich with metaphors that help you reflect on your own story and see it through a new lens. The Oracle Cards used in this reading feature Omanisaโ€™s spirit guide artwork…ย 


“Omg so beautiful Om! This makes me so happy! Everything you said makes so much sense…”

The basic service is a spirit guide reading, where Omanisa tunes in to the spirit guide who most wishes to communicate with you at the time. She describes who they are, what theyโ€™re helping you with and any messages they have for you. Upgrade if you would like Om to draw a portrait of your guide….ย 

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