Spiritual Naturopath

Helping you feel lighter and brighter, calmer and wiser!


  • Shifting Attention

    ‘Energy flows where attention goes’ might be an energy law, but it’s also practical common sense. Whatever you focus on has your attention in that moment, and it becomes the filter through which you perceive reality.

  • Believing without believing

    A lot of the psychic work I do as a counsellor and healer is pulled off via a little trick called ‘believing without believing’ or ‘suspending disbelief’. When I stitch up a rip in a clients aura, there is nothing solid under my hands at all, and I see nothing with my physical eyes. The…

  • Reflections

    Interesting day. Today Iย was confronted in so many ways. For the most part I kept my centre. Here are some of the deep things I explored with other people, throughout the day, in various ways: Theย impact of large scale mining operations on the functioning of local businesses… who benefits, who doesn’t; who thrives, who goes…

  • Your Personal word for God

    ย What do I personally mean when I say God? For me, God is a Oneness or Wholeness, with everyone and everything being connected and made out of the same โ€˜stuffโ€™. I also think of God as being Life, Love, Spirit and Energy and Iโ€™ve recently decided the word GOD is short for Grand Overall Design.…

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