Spiritual Naturopath

Helping you feel lighter and brighter, calmer and wiser!

reading the aura

  • Intuition Purple : position meanings

    Intuition Purple COLOUR POSITIONS   Above Head – Your spiritual guidance is helping you strengthen your intuition about events, situations and people in the future, past or present moment. Intuition comes in all shapes and sizes. Clarivoyance will give you intuitive mental images. Clairaudience will give you intuitive mental thoughts, words, songs or phrases. Clairsentience…

  • The Blame Aura : muddy brown and red streaked orange

    This colour appears in the aura when we habitually either take or too much responsibility orย don’t take any at all. In the first instance we are blaming ourselves or taking all the blame. This can take many forms: *Some will be dignified, proud and very much at the mercy of their own high standards. These…

  • Lemon Yellow (Clarity)

    Clarity Yellow Colour Visual: Crisp lemon yellow, like lemons, daffodils or dawn sunlight. Visual Metaphors: Sunlight at dawn, sunlight in winter, sunlight sparkling on water Aura Consistency: Light, clear, airy, mildly warm, dispersing. (feels like a soft beam of sunlight) Feeling State: Efficient, streamlined, clear-minded, awake, alert, astute. Smell and Taste: Fresh, clean, sharp, sour,…

  • About Om’s Aura Cards

    You can use the Aura Cards to assist you in counselling others or or you can use them to seek guidance for yourself. I personally use the cards in both ways. When I first made the cards, I made them for myself and used them as my private set of cards whenever I needed help…

  • Reading the Aura

    Over the years, the style of sketching in terms of layout, detail and artwork has undergone many transformations. Spirit has put me through rigorous โ€˜colourโ€™ training.ย In the first few years, the sketches contained a lot of abstract art revealing hidden images of numbers, wings, landscapes and animals that suddenly would leap out at you, when…

  • Questions about reading the aura

    Common Questions ย  Q: When you draw an aura you use lots of different colours? Why? I thought an aura was only one colour? A: There might be one dominant colour that stands out, but the aura is full of many colours! Some aura colours reflect your personality, others reflect transient moods and experiences, your…

  • Abundance Green Aura Colour

    This article has been written with love for people who own aย deck of Om’s Aura Cards. The capitalised words in italics refer to specific aura cards/colours.ย  ABUNDANCE Colour description: Sparkling luminescent green Keywords and image/s: Butterfly wings, kingfisher feathers, openness, friendship, abundance, honesty, luck, wealth, flow, adaptability, positivity, optimism, opportunity, money, blessings.

  • White in the aura

    White Colour perception: White is all the rainbow colours have merged together as one. As a metaphor for collective wholeness, White can be thought of as our greater spiritual or quantum physics reality, where all of life is interconnected and made out of the same ‘stuff’. Stated in aura terms, White is the collective energy…

  • Silver in the aura

    Silver Colour Perception: With incredible versatility and malleability, Silver takes on an enormous range of forms which are particularly useful to the psychic healer. Visually, silver can be elusive, tending to flash in and out of vision very quickly, like moonlight sparkling on water or lightning bolts crackling through the sky. To get the general…

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