Spiritual Naturopath

Helping you feel lighter and brighter, calmer and wiser!

Father Brown Aura Colour

This is an Aura Colour Profile taken from my book Aura Colour Therapy, hence the aura colour references throughout the blog and the page references at the end of the blog. Aura Colour Therapy is a limited edition, self-published Aura Card and book set I created for my clients and students. For more info, see my books and card page, or contact me.

Father Brown

This rich, red-brown colour is warm and solid, like mahogany wood, or a brick wall warmed by the sun, or the earth beneath your feet. It can loom and seem imposing, but it can also wrap itself around you and make you feel safe.

Father Brown can represent your father and father figures, such as stepfathers, father-in-laws and older males who play a mentoring role for you, all of which I will refer to using the word ‘father’, in this text. When this colour appears in your aura, think about what is happening in your father’s life, how it is affecting you, and how you feel about it. Surrounding colours can provide insight. Younger males are represented by Investment Brown. Grandfathers are represented by Seasoned Red and Conservative Brown.

Father Brown can represent your early childhood relationship with your father and the events that occurred between you and your father during your teenage years, as you established your independence. Consider the influence your father had on your personal development and how this relates to your current behaviour, personality, and relationship issues. In turn, your own role as a parent may be the issue brought into focus by this card. If you are a man, how are your childhood experiences of being parented shaping your own approach to fathering? If you are a woman, what issues are you facing regarding the father of your children and his role as a parent?

The way your relationship with your father shaped you can be particularly evident in your relationships with men and authority figures. For example, a woman with a healthy childhood relationship with her father develops excellent relationship skills she can then apply to her romantic relationships. A man with an unhealthy childhood relationship with his father may grow up to experience a lot of difficulty with authority figures, such as bosses, as a result. Generally, the unresolved issues in any parental relationship will tend to be repeated in adulthood with people your subconscious considers equivalent in some manner.

Aside from representing fathers and authority figures, Father Brown can represent significant males in your life and your relationship with them. Make sure relationship patterns from childhood are not being repeated in these relationships. In romantic relationships it’s also important to consider how you have been affected by the relationship your parents had with one another.

The subconscious draws many conclusions about love, marriage, and relationships, from your early observations of the most significant male-female relationships you were exposed to, and these conclusions often form the basis of your beliefs about, and experiences of, romantic love.

Fathers, husbands, mentors and authority figures often provide security, guidance and protection, but too much of this, no matter how well meaning, can stop you from maturing and developing independence. Being reliant or dependent upon a strong guiding figure is natural during childhood. It can also be natural in the early stages of romantic relationships and professional relationships with mentors and bosses. Later, as you find your feet, discover independence, and grow in confidence, the arms that once felt like safe wings surrounding you can start to feel like restraining ropes, so you rebel. This sudden change in the relationship’s dynamic can be very confusing for the person you are rebelling against!

Unresolved father issues may drive you to seek love, security and protection from males or authority figures in ways that are not healthy for you. These issues can also cause you to rebel against any kind of leadership, protection or guidance from males or authority figures. You may even find yourself swinging back and forth between over-dependency and adolescent rebellion. If you can see any of these patterns in your relationships with men or authority figures, look at your childhood and teen years for insight into your behaviour.

People who wear Father Brown as a personality colour have an excellent work ethic. They are reliable, humble and generally quiet. While often more comfortable expressing love with deeds than with words, balanced types are perfectly capable of verbal and physical affection. Straight forward and matter-of-fact, they are gentle, considerate and nurturing towards others. Some grumble a bit when shown overt affection but everyone knows it is just bluff, and secretly, they love the attention.

Make sure your work ethic does not bind you too long to an employer or job that takes more from you than it gives back.  If you do not balance work values with family and friendship values, your work ethic will work against you. Avoid using work as a way to escape the challenges of family and social life and focus on developing work-life balance or your relationships and health will suffer. Ensure your self-esteem comes from various roles, activities and relationships in your life; if it is only based on your job position or pride in how hard you work, you will tend to overwork and you could be in danger of depression if you lose the job or cannot work as hard as you used to.

Most of the therapeutic work I do with this colour centres around counselling. Have a look at the case history of Cambell and Tom under Releasing Impatience Red from the male ancestral line on page 22, along with Sandra’s case history titled ‘A Punishing God or a Loving God?’ on page 37, for an insight into how unresolved father or authority issues can affect the way we connect with  Spirit.  Excessive  Father  Brown  can  be  balanced  with  Playful Orange, Abundance Green and Harmony Purple.

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